Sawt Asharq News team

About The Middle East News Team

Sawt Asharq is the voice of the Middle East. News is at the heart of our mission but so is the development and growth of social media and culture and fashion. Proudly it is the Region first unified Arabic and English language news outlet, without any political or group bias.

We report news and opinion, that’s it, we don’t serve an agenda and we do not work for or aligned with any government or corporate body.

صوت الشرق

We are popular among many forward-thinking Arabs. Sections within society, including nationals and foreign residents, and from various socio-economic levels — guest workers to company CEOs.

Because of its growing readership and profile, the middle east news team serves as a much sought-after medium for advertising and regional brand building.

News room
Sawt Asharq News team studio

With the advent and growing popularity of the Internet and social media as a source of information, the daily’s website ( gets hundreds of thousands of hits every day from Web surfers worldwide.

The Middle East News Team on Social media and Online

This is the first news outlet to provide a unified Arab perspective in Arabic and English on a wide range of national, middle eastern and global issues through its diverse collection of columnists. This content keeps track of the individual news for each country and their policies and developments in the Middle East & global society.

The Middle East and World News Team are available on Social media and on the website.
