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Breaking News from the Middle East 24-7

News from the Middle East

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Breaking News from the Middle East

We extensively cover breaking news from the Middle East and interest stories from the world as well as Op-Ed articles and videos on our live social media pages.

We also had up to the minute updates when we extensively covered the Palestine and Israel conflict last Ramadan and specifically the Sheikh Jarrah & Al Aqsa conflict on social media – with our exclusive content.

News From Israel

News from Israel and the heart of Palestine is at the forefront of our coverage. We pride ourselves on creating unique coverage that is clear, transparent and honest news.

… or Breaking news from the Middle East from Lebanon:

نفى مكتب الإعلام في رئاسة الجمهورية اللبنانية، ما نشره أحد المواقع الإخبارية وادعى فيه أنه محضر اللقاء الأخير الذي جمع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون ورئيس الحكومة المكلف سعد الحريري، وذلك نقلا عن “مصادر سياسية”.

وقال مكتب الاعلام في الرئاسة اللبنانية، في تغريدة له على حسابه في تويتر، الجمعة، إن الكلام المنسوب في “المحضر” إلى رئيس الجمهورية لا أساس له من الصحة ومن نسج خيال “المصادر السياسية”، بهدف إحداث بلبلة وتشويه الواقع.

What are the current issues in the Middle East?

Israel-Palestine conflict –

News From Israel

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is at the heart of Middle East news and most Arab countries are tied to this issue, either directly involved or indirectly. Jordan neighbours Israel and Palestine and hosts a Palestinian community and a million-plus refugee camp.

In the most recent conflict, Jordanian civilians summoned the Israeli army at the border and threatened to join the fight for the Palestinians. Notably, the Jordanian Army maintained a peaceful border and no conflict erupted.

Arab Spring

One of the major social issues happening in the Mid-East is the rise of ‘Arab Spring‘ demonstrations throughout the region, forcing the change of governments such as Libya and Egypt.

In Egypt, the regime of President Hosni Mubarak ended when demonstrators took to the streets of the capital Cairo in January 2011.

In Libya, the long-time ruler Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s regime of 42 years ended when demonstrators marched in the capital of Tripoli and another large city, Benghazi, in August 2011. During that period, Gaddafi was killed by local demonstrators.


Another major social problem is the lack of work for many people in the region. Although the oil industry is associated with some of the countries in the Mid-East, the major producers are along the Gulf of Arabia – Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman. That leaves many countries without oil to support their economy, including Jordan, Lebanon, and to a lesser degree Egypt.

Because of these issues, the leaders of many of the Mid-East are fertile and in threat of constant fear of Arab Spring demonstrations.

Women’s Rights

There has also been a rise in Arab woman’s rights throughout the region as they demand jobs, education, the right to participate in government and voting. From Saudi Arabia, women have been given some leeway in working with and within the government. They have even been given the right to drive cars, which would have been unthinkable in former times.

Breaking news from the middle east and the conflicts around the region. A specific focus on the middle east women leaders who are transforming the landscape in business
Leaders in women rights in the middle east – pushing the boundaries and making a difference that trickles down to the everyday working-class women.

Economic Issues

One of the key issues facing the Mid-East countries is the reliance and pricing structure on oil prices in commodity markets worldwide. Oil-producing countries around the world have formed a group called the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Less influential OPEC countries like Venezuela and Nigeria want to see prices rise to better support their economies.

International Conflict and ISIS

The U.S. has led two wars against Iraq. The first was the Gulf War in 1990 – 1991, where allied countries recaptured Kuwait from then Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Led by President George HW Bush senior the conflict destroyed much of Iraq and looted the countries wealth, however, Saddam Hussein stayed in power.

President George W. Bush lead another coalition, summoned on false truths, against Iraq in the Iraq War (2003 – 2011). This was fought citing Hussein’s possible harboring weapons of mass destruction (though oil industry power was also on the table). Hussein was later captured by US troops, tried, and executed in a public hanging.


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